What is a physical exam?

A thorough physical exam by our veterinarian is the most important first step in providing the medical care that your pet needs. A comprehensive wellness physical exam is performed yearly for healthy young pets and twice yearly in older pets. During a physical exam, our veterinarian will examine your pet from head to tail. He or she will listen to the heart and lungs, check eyes, ears, nose, mouth, the skin, lymph nodes, musculoskeletal system, GI system, and nervous system to look for any signs of health problems. If our veterinarian discovers a potential problem, diagnostic testing and or treatment may be recommended.

Does my pet need a physical exam even if they appear healthy?

Even if your pet appears healthy at home, a physical exam is necessary. Most of the time, pets don’t show any signs of illness until the disease process has become advanced and they cannot hide it anymore. By the time pets shows illness, they may be very ill, and advanced treatment may be needed. Regular physical exams will help ensure that your pets stay healthy and detect diseases earlier for a more successful treatment. Moreover, it also less costly to treat the problem early before it becomes a severe medical issue.