During COVID-19 with shelter in place, many people may feel lonely and disconnected. As a society, we have never experienced being physically isolated from our friends and family. It is natural to feel distressed and uncomfortable. At times like this, having a pet gives emotional support more than ever before. With the pandemic and all the uncertainties that we are faced with each day, a pet provides constant companionship, warmth, positivity, love and happiness.

Pets make our lives better. Many scientific studies have shown that owning a pet makes people healthier both physically, mentally and emotionally. They give us unconditional love and the human-animal bond nurtures our heart and soul. Let’s talk about how pets improve our lives:

Pets make you smile. When you look at your pet’s sweet eyes, your heart becomes happy. Pets lessen depression and anxiety and helps you have a more optimistic perspective on life.

Petting and cuddling your pet increases your level of happy hormones called oxytocin. Research shows that people who interact with pets have higher levels of oxytocin which makes them happy and feel loved.

Having pets lowers stress hormones called cortisol which helps you deal with stress better. Stroking your pet can make you feel calmer and may lower your blood pressure.

Caring for a pet requires you to be more active throughout the day. Whether you are walking your dog, playing with your cats, feeding them or bathing them, all of this activity helps your physical health.

With a pet in your home you are never alone. There is never any emptiness. No matter what room your pet is in of if they are asleep or awake, they fill the house with joy. It is amazing how something so small can make such a big difference and have such a huge presence in your life.

If you have a pets at home, give your pet a big hug. If you do not have a pet, please consider adopting a pet. There are many healthy pets in your local shelter or rescue groups that are ready to be adopted. They will make you smile, feel loved, live in the present and help you be happy. During this difficult time let’s embrace the old adage: Man’s best friend, a millennia-long history of close relationship, loyalty and companionship with humans.

Pets are heroes too!